A customer-centered target operating model
The client, an insurer, had 3000+ employees across 9 locations including multiple contact centres – one of the largest customer service operations in the UK. It had identified issues with customer satisfaction and engagement, cost to serve metrics were higher than average; customer insight was relatively low and significant volumes of paper communications still used. In this context the Board engaged a re-evaluation of the operating model.

what we achieved and outcomes
A customer-centred target operating model
· Delivered plan for excellent customer experience with high first-time resolution
· Advised on shift to digital as a primary enabler
· Ensured that the design incentivised customers stay longer and buy more products. This was achieved by redesigning digitisation, process automation, outsourcing strategy, people and location redesign, knowledge management, paper communication reduction and comprehensive journey mapping while improving internationally benchmarked customer experience rankings
· Validated plan for 99% first point resolution achievement; customer resolution in no longer than 3 clicks, 3 pages or 3 days
· Business case presented to Board to achieve 19% or £50m efficiencies across customer operations
· Capture and track of all customer demand process established
Annual Savings
First Time Resolution
Employees Trained
Our View
“This was one of the largest change programmes in UK insurance and we are proud to have been part of it.”
Vectris Client Team
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